Roots vs. Fruits

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I am currently reading T. Harv Eker’s amazing “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.” It has taken me quite a while to open this book because I believed it was focused on money and becoming a millionaire, and nothing more. That last sentence describes exactly why I should be reading this book! We should acknowledge that we all have different ideas, biases, misconceptions, and downright self-destructive views around money. Many of our thoughts are not even our own, nor are they in our best interest, and it is important to explore our “financial blueprint.” More on that in a future blog.

What struck me from the opening pages was how much Eker’s book deals with mindset. He unabashedly says, “The reality is that most people do not reach their full potential…They work and think on a superficial level of life – based only on what they can see. They live strictly in a visible world.” He goes on to describe a fruit bearing tree whose fruit is unsatisfactory. The fruit is too small, the yield too little, and it lacks the sweet taste we expect. He poses the question of what we tend to do in this situation. Most of us will focus on the fruit and spend our time and resources addressing the symptoms (the fruit). We will labor without questioning the reason of the substandard fruit, without exploring the source of the fruit. And the answer is so obvious – the roots.

Without a healthy system under the ground, the product above will never be fulfilling or vibrant. The invisible drives the potential, and eventual success, of the visible. T. Harv Eker sums it up with the following Wealth Principle: “If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.” This applies to all areas of life in myriad ways, with consequences beyond financial implications!

What are you working on today to change the fruits in your life? Have you dug deep to find and examine your roots? What invisible beliefs, mindsets, habits, etc. are holding you back? Finding these answers could unlock hidden potential and put you on the path to becoming KINETIC!

Written by David Gutierrez


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