Same Results, Different Day

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I love to read, and I thoroughly enjoy podcasts. We can learn from most books and almost all good podcast shows, whether dealing with fiction and storytelling or self-help, and most topics in between. Sure, there is junk out there, and I advocate for guarding your time, especially when it comes to the things we consume. But in general, with some diligence, you will be rewarded by the books and shows you choose, especially when approached with an open mind.

I have been hit in the face with a recurring question, framed from a few perspectives and addressing different desired outcomes. Cumulatively, it goes something like this:

Are you happy with where you are currently (mentally, physically, geopolitically, etc.)? Everything you have been doing up to this point has created your current life and environment, so if the answer is no, isn’t it time to try something else?

For reference, the three most recent and impactful examples of this question came from Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s “Skin in the Game,” from Jen Sincero’s “You are a Badass,” and from Alex Hormozi while a guest on Lewis Howes’ “The School of Greatness” podcast. In each case, the author discusses the fallacy of doing the same things we’ve always done without realizing those very actions are what landed us on our present spot. We are where we are because we do what we do. And while it seems so simple to achieve different results – and it is simple, just not easy – it remains very difficult to put change into action, regardless of how beneficial the results to our lives.

More bluntly, and to continue the quote misattribution trend, it reminds me of Einstein, when he didn’t coin the quote, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” 

So what’s the point? Personally, this question is forcing me to ask more honestly, and dig more deeply, into why I am continuing to do the things I don’t want to do. What is the root of my actions? If I know basic truths, like working out is good, showers are a plus (for me and those around me), wasting hours on social media is bad, and always thinking I’m right couldn’t be further from the truth, or from right, then why don’t I immediately take action and correct my deficiencies?

The first step is always acknowledgment. The second is action, with a good dose of accountability! I look forward to walking through these questions, and actions, with my Kinetic Men!

Written by David Gutierrez


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