Look It Up

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Part 1: The Process

When I was a kid, the typical response received when I asked the meaning of a word was “look it up.” This meant I was to reference a dictionary and study the definition of the word of which I inquired. 

As a side note for my readers who may be confused, a dictionary is a bound book filled with words and their definitions. It is not Google, nor Alexa, or Siri, or whatever other device you ask to define a word for you.

I did not always enjoy the process, but looking words up forced me into several valuable exercises. I first had to attempt a spelling. Since books don’t anticipate or autocorrect your guesses, your initial effort at finding a particular word can result in a very round about word search.

I often found myself looking at the definition of a number of words that caught my eye in the journey to my target word. This has very positive, if unintended, consequences, like developing a more robust vocabulary. Looking words up also allows you to read more, fosters curiosity, grows patience, and encourages education through seeing the possibilities of words unknown and their relevance to our lives.

I now look back on my experience with gratitude and fondness, and truly believe we are missing out on a growth process that was significant in my youth.

Technology, and the resultant speed of asking questions and receiving answers, is not always a better way. But I digress.

When I started writing, this blog was intended to address the importance of definitions and why we should all strive to more fully understand the roots of what we talk about. We should take the time to “look it up” before engaging in discussion on things we claim to comprehend but have given nothing more than a surface level effort to appreciate or experience, and typically cannot even define.

The act of defining the words in a particular topic we wish to discuss, debate, share, etc., allows us to slow down, formulate our thoughts, refine OUR OWN opinions, and approach a conversation from an informed, and hopefully deeply considered and critical position.

As I reflected, the blog became about the process, which we should embrace and grow to love. Part 2 will address the practical application, and how my life has been changed through the act of defining words that guide my life.

It seems only appropriate to close with a definition…of the word definition:

A statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary.

Now get a dictionary and learn a new word today!

Written by David Gutierrez


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