Character Steroids

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I’ve often heard it said that money is a tool, no different than a hammer, and should be thought of and used accordingly. Money and your net worth are not your identity or self-worth. They are tools that can either build or tear down, nothing more. If held in the appropriate regard, money has the same power to alter your character and personality as does the hammer.

But I have experienced broken trust, lost friendships, and partnerships I would never consider because of the influence money has on people’s character, and their willingness to do literally anything to get more, more, more. This creates debate around money, what it is, the power it has, and opinions on its potential impact on our lives. A ton of emotion goes into money and all it implies. But I maintain money is nothing more than a tool, a tool that acts as a character steroid, magnifying the type of person you ALREADY are, regardless of the money.

This was reemphasized in T. Harv Eker’s incredible book, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.” He offers a variety of insightful and powerful ‘Wealth Principles,’ one being: “Money Will Only Make You More Of What You Already Are.”

Eker explains, “If you’re mean, money will afford you the opportunity to be meaner. If you’re kind, money will afford you the opportunity to be kinder. If you’re a jerk at heart, with money you can be jerkier…If you’re generous, more money will simply allow you to be more generous. And anyone who tells you different is broke!”

Therefore, we should be developing our character before we have achieved financial ‘success’. We should prioritize becoming the best version of ourselves so that we are prepared to handle the responsibility of financial blessing.

If you say things like, “I’ll spend time with the people I love when I have …,” or “I’ll give when my bank account says …,” your priorities and character may be lacking, not your accounts. If you truly believe your attitudes and actions will magically change when you have money, you’re mistaken.

Remember, money, like a hammer, is a tool, and should be used accordingly. More importantly, money will only make you MORE of what you ALREADY are!

Written by David Gutierrez


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